Sunday, January 26, 2014

AVG PC TuneUP 2014 software with Crack

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Install AVG PC TuneUP 2014
The first step is install the 15 days trial of AVG PC TuneUp 2014! Is avaible from the oficial website AVG. Click here! This will install the trial pf AVG PC TuneUP. If you have already it installed, skip this step.

Activating AVG PC TuneUp 2014
Now is time to activate the product! You have to download the files from here and then move it to the path of AVG installation! These files are required for activation AVG PC TuneUP. In otherwise ACTIVATION WITH KEY WILL NOT WORK. I´m developing an activator that will do this job automatically and will be avaible soon! 
The custom instalation path of AVG PC TuneUp is:
C:\ProgramFiles\AVG\AVG PC TuneUP or C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\AVG\AVG PC TuneUP
Just copy the files and paste it. It will ask if you what you want to do. Just replace all.

Now, we are ready to finish the activation. For that, start AVG PC TuneUp from your Desktop, Start Menu ...
Will appear a form like next image. Click Enter product key

Now use any name and organization but in the Product Key use this one
TMACO-HRNAV-OZGB2-ADQKE-WC2K2-XCY2J (tested and working - 26/12/2013)
CM7IP-BCOHC-MRFM2-QVDEP-9IAEE-7LW4A (tested and working - 26/12/2013)
CMGHG-3OK4M-BHECP-QPCFQ-HHWHA-R9RN2 (tested and working - 26/12/2013)
CMZMP-4VFZ4-923MR-QMIDP-YM6L7-PW9C2 (tested and working - 26/12/2013)
CMOGO-PDN2A-7WY73-QC6H2-OGL7J-4O74D (tested and working - 26/12/2013)
CMY9O-GXVWS-W4BZQ-QIJ2H-Y94HB-LIZRF (tested and working - 26/12/2013)

All the keys have been tested on the latest version 14.0.1001.229

However, a lot of people are saying that keys are not working. I'm trying to find a new method of activation. Sorry! Using only the keys will not work. You need to download cracked files available above.

Press Next >
You will receive a sucessful message of activation. Close it
Now is importante to disable auto-updates for AVG don´t detect that you are using an invalid activation key

Disable the auto-updates
Now, in the main form of AVG, click in Settings/Configuratiosn in the top and then Updates. Uncheck the box "Check for new updates automatically" or something like that (it depends of your current language). Apply and then OK
Now is time to otimize your Windows :)


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